Thursday, July 08, 2021

My Mini-rebellion

I have a sandwich for lunch most days. Most days, I cut my sandwich along the diagonal. However, some days I crave variety, and so I cut my sandwich in half horizontally, this being the other accepted way to cut sandwiches. Frankly, that is controversial, as it means I refuse to take a side in the great sandwich wars. It seems I was just born with a heart full of neutrality.

But even I balked at the notion of cutting my sandwiches in half vertically. Some lines are just too serious to cross...

Until today. Feeling rebellious, I had vertically-cut sandwiches.

In my, admittedly limited, defence, the reason for this was that I had slices of two different cheeses in my sandwich, and the only way to get an even balance of both cheeses in each sandwich was a vertical cut. But even saying that leaves me acutely aware of how feeble a defence it truly is.

They tasted fine. But it really was my "running though fields of wheat" moment.

#29: "The Last Druid", by Terry Brooks

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