Thursday, April 30, 2020

A Knigdom of Isolation - wash up

So, the end of the month, and the end of the theme of the month. I think some time next month we'll probably see a loosening of the restrictions (unfortunately, probably for just long enough for us to really regret it). Whether that is the case or not, I'll have a new theme for next month.

Anyway, it has been a largely uneventful month, as was always to be expected. But before it ends, a quick grab-bag of thoughts on some of the topics I mentioned at the outset:

Home working: This has been going fine. I've now settled on using our study for my home office, which means that each day starts and ends with the ritual of building up and tearing down my work system (so that we can use the room normally for the rest of the time). Staying in touch with colleagues has mostly been easy enough, subject only to the whims of the wi-fi and VPN connection. So that's all to the good. Mostly, though, this the time when we really benefit from all the investment that the company made to support people being mobile in their work. They didn't intend it for this purpose, but it has worked out well.

Food supplies: Fortunately, Tesco now seems mostly back to normal, so the big challenge is building a sufficiently-complete list that I only have to go once a week. So far, so good. Our freezers and cupboards remain full, so apart from some key staples such as bread and milk, we'd actually be able to manage a two-week total lockdown if we had to.

Quarantine beard: Nah, I shaved it off. I had a fairly extensive festive beard late last year (due to other stresses), so didn't really fancy growing one this time. So I let it grow out for a couple of weeks, but mostly through pure inertia, before getting rid.

And that's pretty much that for this month.

1 comment:

Kezzie said...

That's really good that your company investing into Mobile working. I am so thankful that I was able to borrow a laptop a week before Lockdown (in fact, the day before our IT guy, who is on dialysis was made to isolate for 12 weeks) as I would have been stuffed otherwise!
I am in need of Yeast at the moment!