Thursday, May 30, 2019

Day 150: Update on Goals

Things continue to go reasonably well in 2019, though a lack of sleep is proving rather debilitating. And then there's the one big fly in the ointment... but I can't speak about that.

Anyway, it's time for an update on goals:

  • Books: By day 100 I should have read 24.65 books. I'm pretty much right on target - having finished "Anna Karenina" I'm no longer playing catch up on that sublist, so can get back to tracking things normally. My expectation is to end the year on the 60 books I targeted. However, I'm unlikely to get 12 read from The List, and very unlikely to finish off the British part of The List. Still, that's not too bad.
  • Weight: I've now dropped about half a stone, so this is actually more or less on target. Still, more to do!
  • Blogging: This is right on target, both here and on the Imaginarium.
  • Redecorate the Study: This was not done in the Easter holiday, so remains to do. My new expectation is that we'll probably tackle it during the October week, unless it bugs me enough to demand attention between now and then.
  • The To-Do List: As noted elsewhere, the To-Do List was revisited at the end of the Easter holiday and expanded to eight items. At the time of writing it's back down to four (one of which is the study, as above). My current focus is on the scanning of old pipe band music, which I expect to get done soon. If and when it gets down to just one item (the study) I'm actually going to declare it done, given the separate goal above.
So, that's that - a long-winded way of saying that everything is going pretty well. The next update will be mid-July. My hope by then would be to be able to announce the completion of the To-Do List, but we'll see...

#26: "Marauders of the Dune Sea", by Bruce R. Cordell

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