Monday, May 06, 2019

Star Wars Day

In days of yore, when the world was young and I was about seven or so, it was our wont of a Saturday morning to get up early and watch "Star Wars". We had it on an old Betamax tape, and watched it so often, week by week, that the tape eventually wore through. And that was the end of that. (I then wouldn't see "Star Wars" again until I was sixteen. I call those the wasted years.)

Saturday was the fourth of May, and therefore Star Wars Day. This provided a good opportunity to correct a significant oversight - although Funsize has seen two "Star Wars" films, they were "The Last Jedi" and "Solo", neither of which is exactly great.

So on Saturday we resurrected an old tradition, made new by time and technology, and got up early and watched "Star Wars". It was a shiny new (ish) blu-ray. And it's still good.

Oh, one more thing: whether it is at the end of "The Rise of Skywalker" or when the Disney inevitably decide to mess with the original "Star Wars" again, it is long since past time to give Chewie a medal. Especially in light of the passing of Peter Mayhew.

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