Thursday, May 02, 2019

Desk Woes

In addition to repainting the study, we're quite keen to replace the computer desk. Said desk is still working fine, but it's fourteen years old and rather beaten up (having survived four house moves). The keyboard tray is unfastened on one side, there's a CD holder wasting space, and its position in the room means that the tower nook is on the wrong side. All in all, it's okay but not great.

Unfortunately, it appears that in addition to PC sales dropping like a stone, sales of computer desks are likewise tumbling. Either that, or people just delight in creating many variations of the same really bad desk design. (My particular favourite is that there are loads of desks that would be quite good if the two sides were switched, but no signs that that desk is actually produced anywhere.)

The upshot is that the selection of a new desk is inevitably going to be a compromise, and very likely a downgrade from what we have currently. And we don't even have the option of just getting an exact replacement of the existing desk - which wouldn't be great either, but would at least have the effect of undoing fourteen years of abuse.

I've even started to think the unthinkable, which would be to make my own desk to better match what I really want/need. But then a remembered that I have absolutely no skill with DIY, and so would just end up hurting myself and producing something ugly and useless. But apart from that it would be a great idea.

In the meantime, I have at least found what I think may be the least objectionable compromise...

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