Monday, May 06, 2019

You Can't Look Away in Time!

I try really hard to avoid spoilers, to the extent that I now don't read reviews until after I've actually seen the film/TV show/whatever to which they refer - far too many reviewers believe it is their job to discuss key plot details, often without prior warning. But I'm also well aware that there are reasonable limitations to how long you can expect people to hold the secret (indeed we're nearing, if not past, that point with "Avengers: Endgame", one of the reasons I'm so keen to get out to see it).

I'm reasonably sure, though, that we haven't yet reached that point with the episode of "Game of Thrones" that aired in the small hours this morning. At the very least, that one doesn't run out until some time tonight.

So imagine my frustration when I opened Google on my phone this morning, was idly scrolling through the news items it had selected for me, and found a major spoiler for that episode sitting right there in one of the headlines. Honestly, how am I supposed to avoid that?

Thanks a bunch, you guys.

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